Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Time to Vote!

It feels good to be up late, writing once again. Although I am tired and sleep is falling upon me, I still feel words that would keep me up at night, bubbling to the surface, if I don't take some time to let them flow right now.

We live in a very interesting time right now. In less than 2 weeks, this country will take part in one of the biggest and most important elections in history. I have never seen this country so divided in all my life. It's incredible to me the many hate-filled, vicious, ruthless, comments I've seen/heard people sling at each other over the past several months.

In my heart I believe that the reason people are screaming so loudly (and yes, at each other) is because they just want to be heard. People want to believe that they matter, that their voices CAN make a difference. Well, it's true, they can. We ALL matter and we can ALL make a difference!

But, the bottom line is, in order to have our voices be heard - we need to exercise one of the most important rights we have in this country - and that is our right to VOTE!! It's so important to get 'out there' and let your voice be heard! We are so very blessed to live in a country where we actually have a say in who our governmental leaders are. Please don't let any frustration regarding this election (and we all seem to be frustrated!)  stop you from making your choice and letting your choice be known on Election Day.

There are a lot of different websites out there that you can go to in an effort to educate yourself about the candidates (on the federal, state and local levels) and what each of them stand for. There are also many websites out there that can help us differentiate 'fact from fiction' in this election.

Every year, politics seem to be getting more and more brutal. It seems to me that it's becoming increasingly more difficult to decipher what each candidate actually stands for - as opposed to what each candidate has to say about 'the other guy.'

One website I go to for this kind of information is:  It is one of many such websites that can help you determine what some of the 'truths' are during this campaign season. I encourage you to do some research and find some websites that you trust to give you the information you need to make an honest decision in this election.

Tuesday, November 6th, 2012 will be here before we know it! Please - research the candidates who are running, make your decision and then let your voice be heard on Election Day!

Thanks so much!


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Happy :-)

So, tonight I'm writing simply for the sake of writing. There's something amazing about being able to express something deep within my soul and I am truly grateful for the gift of being able to do just that. Life is good - and has been good for quite some time...yet another thing I am truly grateful for.

This past March, I released my latest CD of originals, titled 'Remnants of the Fall.' It's a double album full of the sum and substance of things that have been going on in my life throughout the last 4 1/2 years. It's some of my most honest and 'raw' writing and I couldn't be more proud of how it turned out. I co-produced it with the incredible Frank Starchak and we had an amazing time working on it together. Please click here: to listen to samples or buy the CD.

In other news, I've had the immense pleasure of working with and singing/recording for the outstanding Barbara Vu. Recently she released an album entitled 'With You', which I had the pleasure of recording all but 2 songs on. She's an incredible songwriter and I LOVE singing her songs. Please visit her website to listen to her amazing music and/or buy one of her CDs:

For the time being, I'm completely content just enjoying the feedback I've been getting from my latest musical projects. People have really been enjoying both 'Remnants of the Fall' and 'With You' - and I'm so grateful for that. Soon I will be heading 'back to school' for something really special that I'm really excited about. :-) Details on that coming up!

Much much love,

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Friend Role

Here is a groovy little tune from my latest album. The song is called 'Friend Role' and the album it's off of is called 'Remnants of the Fall.' I wrote this song about an experience I had while I was in college. It was a little painful at the time, but it turned into one of my favorite songs on the album - so, all's well that ends well! :-)  I hope you enjoy it!!

Friend Role

Friday, July 6, 2012

'With You' CD now available!

I hope you're having a terrific summer so far!!

I just wanted to take a quick minute to tell you about a brand new CD that I am completely honored to have been a part of. My dear friend and fellow songwriter, Barbara McInnis Vu has truly outdone herself. She wrote an entire CD of some of the most healing music I have ever heard.
Several months ago, Barbara contacted me and asked if I would consider singing some of the songs she had in mind for this project. I told her I'd be happy to take a listen to them all to see which ones I 'resonated' with and, lo and behold, I feel in love with every single one of them!

Barbara is an incredible songwriter with an amazing gift for writing songs that truly move people. As a musician, she's an incredible pianist with a unique ability for writing some of the most interesting and complex chord changes imagineable. All of this adds up to music that moves and inspires me.

I 'get' Barbara. I understand her and the message she is trying to convey through her music. I am truly honored to be a part of her latest CD, 'With You.' I sang all but two of the songs on this CD (the other two were sung by the outstanding, Jennifer Baselice) and I am so proud of how it turned out.
I hope you'll take a minute and go Barbara's website and check out the new CD: 

As always, I can't thank you enough for all your love and support! I hope you enjoy Barbara's beautiful songs!

Love always,

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

She Sits

Here's one of my favorite songs from my 2007 album, 'Leap of Faith.' It's a song called 'She Sits' and it is my dedication to all people everywhere who know they were born to live 'bigger' lives than the ones they've been living. It's never to late to make a different choice, a more rewarding choice, a bigger choice than the one you've been making. Just close your eyes, take a deep breath, take that 'Leap of Faith' and just trust that everything will work out just fine - because it always will - ALWAYS. I hope you enjoy the song! Thanks for listening!


 She Sits

Friday, June 1, 2012

Every song tells a story

So, here I am, up late once again. :-) Tonight, I'm watching VH1 Storytellers with Jason Mraz. Yum, yum and more yum. His music is delicious and his songs move me. His level of honesty inspires me to keep on digging. I know there are levels of love and spirit and fear and wonder and simple human-ness that I have yet to tap into - in both my life and my music. I've recently started writing again. No new songs have come - yet - but I know they're in there....just waiting for the right time and space to bubble up to the surface. 

I was on the phone with a dear friend of mine (who also happens to be a terrific musician/singer/songwriter) last night and we were talking about the idea of writer's 'block.' He asked me what I thought about it - whether or not I believe in it. I stopped and took a deep breath before I gently answered, 'No.' I believe that songs and music and creativity in general are ever flowing. God (which is most definitely the Source of my creativity, my music, and anything else that truly matters in my life) doesn't just stop giving me songs. The Universe doesn't support me in my creative endeavors for a brief time (or even a long time) and then all of a sudden stop. If songs aren't coming to me, it's because of one of two reasons: 1) I'm not ready for them yet or 2) I'm blocking them because I'm afraid of something.

One thing that I've learned about music is that it's not the notes or chords that make the song - it's the silence in between the notes/chords that gives the song life. The same goes for me with songwriting. It's wonderful when I am blessed enough to receive a new song. I get excited - like a little kid at Christmas - and I want to spend all my time working on it, playing with it, seeing what it wants to be. But, equally beautiful, is that time in between songs. The time where I'm not writing because I'm too busy living life and having incredible experiences to even think about writing them down.

The time to write will come and I'll recognize it the moment it arrives. I will feel that inner pull, that 'calling.' I'll pick up the pen and start writing again. Every song will tell a story. Every song tells my story - and, God willing - every song will tell your story, too. I'm truly blessed to be given so many opportunities to connect to a larger Source and hear what it has to say. I do my best to relay those 'messages' in my songs.  I hope that, whatever that Source has to say, it ends up moving you as much as it does me...

Friday, May 25, 2012

Dear Shane

Dear Shane

Here's an oldie, but a goodie from my first album, Let the Girl Sing (released in 2006). I hope you enjoy it! :-) 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Jeff, Who Lives at Home

Just got home from a short, 3 day cruise to the Bahamas with my honey. We had an amazing time and it was a MUCH needed getaway. We drove down to Miami on Thursday and sailed out of the Port of Miami this past Friday. The whole experience was amazing and I'm so grateful that we were able to get 'away from it all' for a few days.

One of the best parts of the entire weekend was when we watched the movie 'Jeff, Who Lives at Home' in our hotel room Thursday night. The movie stars Jason Segel (from 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall') and Ed Helms (from 'the Hangover') and I can honestly say this is one of the best movies I've seen in ages! I loved every single minute of it. The acting is top notch as is the story, the writing, etc, etc. I don't want to say too much about the film - you just have to watch it for yourself. It's AMAZING! :-)

love, Love, LOVE it!! -

Please check it out when you have a chance!!

Love always,

Monday, May 14, 2012

More Mraz

Right now, I'm up a little late, watching an incredible video of Jason Mraz performing with the outstanding Mona Tavakoli (from Raining Jane). This video is just a small part of a live performance they recorded in London not long ago. I am, in a word, completely and utterly, mesmerized. I'm loving EVERY minute of it!!

I'm a studio girl. :-) Meaning, musically speaking, my favorite place to be in this world is in the recording studio (specifically with Frank Starchak as my producer).  I love to write. I love to create. And, more than anything, I love to bring in the 'bare bones' of a song and I love to let that song tell me everything that it wants to be.

I used to perform in front of live audiences - A LOT - and I still love doing that from time to time. But where I truly 'shine' is in the studio. It makes my heart sing to breathe a little bit of life into a brand new song. I love the feeling of not quite knowing where the song wants to go. I love stepping back and just letting it be whatever it wants to be whenever it 'grows up' - if it even chooses to grow up at all. Some songs just want to be left alone - maybe just a little guitar and vocal. And that's okay too. Not every song needs to be some fully produced 'masterpiece.' Sometimes the masterpiece is in just allowing something that wants to be heard - to be heard. I love writing about things that people are afraid to talk about. Things that sometimes make people feel uncomfortable.  I love being completely vulnerable with my music. I love taking an idea and then running with it, hanging on until its completion, then completely letting go.

And now, in both my life outside the studio and in my music, I'm learning to let go even more. I'm grateful for the learning and for all the blessings in my life. And the music - I'm so grateful for all the music in my life.

Thanks for listening. And thanks for helping me find - myself.

And thank you Jason and Mona - for Everything... 

Much much love always,

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Another day, another dream

Sitting at home after a lovely day spent at Deltona Records. Today's session was with Adrian Tristan Sutton and, of course, the incredible Frank Starchak. Adrian and I sang another beautiful song together for Steve Lawson. Steve's songs are both inspirational and uplifting. Today I left the studio feeling completely transformed. I love working with Frank, Steve and Adrian. The chemistry we all have together is exciting - and, as always, I am completely 'at home' in the studio.

The session today was another huge success and I'm so grateful to have the honor of working with such talented, giving and loving people. Singing is my 'job' although it certainly never feels like work, especially on days like today! :-)

So, tonight I'll go to bed filled with all the many things I am most grateful for in this world - and at the top of my list this evening is the gift of being able to do what I love (singing and recording) and being able to share it with such incredible people. I truly am blessed...I hope this blog finds you feeling just as blessed in your corner of the world.

With love always,

Friday, April 27, 2012


Have been feeling just a bit un-balanced and un-centered lately. Lots of changes going on in the Universe at this point - with the changes in the lives of those I love the most being the most challenging to deal with these days. One thing that is a HUGE help to me is my weekly acupuncture session with Stephanie Irzyk at New Direction in Altamonte Springs. ( Stephanie is amazing and every acupuncture session I have with her leaves me feeling more and more relaxed, balanced and centered.

Meditation is another thing that is a huge help to me. I've been an 'off and on' meditator for over two years, but over the past few weeks, I've gotten back into it seriously (meaning - on a daily basis) and it's already made a major difference in my life.

And finally, walking - every day - is helping me to remember to stay connected and grounded. There's just something about being out in nature, watching the eagles soar high above the trees, feeling the sun warm on my skin, breathing in all the fresh air - it all helps to remind me what's 'real' and really important in this life.

Sending you lots of peace, love and harmony on this glorious day of all that is...

Love always,

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Jen's Blog: Music brings me HOME...

Jen's Blog: Music brings me HOME...: Dear Jason Mraz - I'm not sure that you'll ever read this, but I'm finding it a 'must' to write to you anyway. I just bought your new albu...

Music brings me HOME...

Dear Jason Mraz -

I'm not sure that you'll ever read this, but I'm finding it a 'must' to write to you anyway. I just bought your new album, 'Love is a Four Letter Word' and, as usual, I'm finding myself at every song and every turn. I've loved you and your music for what seems like for ever and I'm very grateful for some new music from you. :-)

I'm overjoyed to report that my incredible fiance, Tim, is taking me to see you perform live in Tampa in August, just a few short months from now - and I'm excited! He knows what a huge fan of yours I am and he and I are both excited that I'll be sharing your terrific music with him. He's about to get an education and I'm about to share something I have a HUGE passion for.

I feel you on a deep level and, as always, your music and your message both move me. As a songwriter myself, I'm grateful for your message and your inspiration. As a matter of fact, you and your new music have inspired me so much, it's time to go and do a bit of writing of my own.

Thank you for reminding me of our 'ONE-ness' and our 'Same-ness.' You rock - and you're the best! Much love to you!! !

Love always,

Friday, April 6, 2012

Just because

Happy Easter!

In my mind, this is a time of rebirth - and I'm grateful for it. A lot of things in my life are shifting and changing right now - and I couldn't be more grateful for the transition.

As far as my music goes, I'm enjoying an incredibly warm reception and a lot of support regarding my new album, Remnants of the Fall. I'm so happy that people are enjoying the music and continue to be moved by it. I'm also enjoying quite a bit of radio play on Jango internet radio, which I'm also grateful for.

In other news, I spent another wonderful day at the studio, singing for Barbara Vu. I continue to be moved by her songs and I'm so blessed to be working for/with her. I've got another day scheduled with her next week and I'm already looking forward to it.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend!!

Lots of love,

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Jen Stackpole Radio!

Just a quick note to say that you can now hear my music on Jango internet radio! The link is:

Please check it out when you have a chance! Thanks so much!!

Love always,

Friday, March 30, 2012


So, I've been in the studio quite a bit lately. No, not working on my own material again just yet. Lately, I've had the extreme joy and privilege of singing for other people. I've been working closely with Steve Lawson, Dave Cooper and Barbara Vu.

I've worked with Steve Lawson on several of his songs in the past and it is always joyful and uplifting to sing for him. I'm looking forward to singing on another one of his incredible songs sometime in April.

Yesterday was the first day I've had the privilege of working on a Dave Cooper song. It was a terrific country tune and I had a lot of fun singing on it!

And today, I had the immense honor of working with Barbara Vu again. She is an incredible woman and she writes the most beautiful music! Her songs are always from the heart and it is truly an honor for me every time I get to sing for her. I've got another session with her next week and I'm already looking forward to it!

I guess you could say that I feel the most 'at home' when I'm in the recording studio. Whether I am working on my own music or singing for someone else, I am happy as a lark - just to be in the studio. I especially love working with my producer, Frank Starchak. I've been working with him since 2005 and I am so blessed to still be with him now. He's always made me feel comfortable - not to mention safe. Anytime I get to work with him, I am a happy gal!

Long story short, there are only two places in this world where I feel the most comfortable, at peace, connected to God, happy, etc, etc (the list goes on...):  my fiance's arms (that's #1) and the recording studio. In both places, I feel as if I am truly - HOME.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

New CD, Remnants of the Fall, NOW available!

Hi there!

This is just a quick note to let you know that my brand new CD, Remnants of the Fall, is NOW finally available!! :-) I'm SO excited to share this album with you!! It's taken me 4 1/2 years to finish it and it's been worth the wait, I promise you! I've put everything I've got into this CD and I'm so anxious for you to hear it!

So, here's the deal - the price of the CD (it's actually a double album!) is $30 (USD). This includes shipping and handling, as well as a copy of my last CD of original music, Leap of Faith. At this point, I am able to accept payments through PayPal as well as check or money order. Within the next few months, this CD will be also be available through CD Baby, iTunes, Rhapsody, Yahoo Music, Amazon, etc. But, for now, it's only available by emailing your order directly to me at:

Thanks so much for all your love and support! Can't wait to share the CD with you!!

Love always,

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Michael Jackson: IMMORTAL

Last night my incredible fiance took me to the Amway Center to see Michael Jackson: the Immortal World Tour (by Cirque du Soleil). I've been one of Michael's biggest fans my entire life and I can't even put into words what I experienced when I saw Cirque's moving tribute to Michael and his legacy.

In true Cirque du Soleil style - EVERYTHING - about the show was top notch and nothing less than perfect! I think Michael would have been proud. What I loved the most about the show is that the creators of it 'got' Michael. They understood what a loving and compassionate human being he was, as well as how much he loved and cared for both Mother Earth and the children on this planet. The creators also understood what Michael's fans meant to him and how music was his true connection to Spirit.

Every musical number carried with it an important message - in addition to being visually stimulating and, ultimately, absolutely entertaining. I was overwhelmed by emotion on more than one occasion and was on my feet dancing like crazy by the end.

I miss Michael so much - it's hard to put into words. But last night, for the first time since his passing, I felt as if he was alive and well once again. He lives on through his music, of course. He also lives on through his fans. And, finally he lives on through every performer and musician in Immortal.

Thank you, Michael - for impacting my life (and my songwriting and music) in such incredible ways. Thank you for being a light in the darkness and thank you for your unending love.

And thank you, Cirque du Soleil for your heartwarming, toe tapping, incredible tribute to Michael - both the man AND his music.

Love always,

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

So, today is Valentine's Day. :-) Yes, I'm smiling about it - do you know why? Because love is all around - ALWAYS! To be honest with you, I used to hate Valentine's Day. Most years, it just reminded me of how alone I felt. But lately, something has changed for me in my life - and I'm so incredibly grateful for it. First of all, yes, I have the love of an incredible man in my life. We're engaged and will be getting married later this year. He has helped me to truly love and enjoy Valentine's Day once again.

In addition to that, I've started to recognize that love is everywhere - always and all the time. It flows through us constantly, even if and when we don't recognize it. I'm grateful for it. And I'm grateful I'm surrounded by people I love. I hope you are too.

Happy Valentine's Day!

With love - today and always,

Saturday, February 4, 2012

the birth of a new baby

So, after 4 1/2 years of joy, love, pain, sorrow, learning, laughter and patience, I'm FINALLY ready to release my latest album. It's a 2 CD set full of everything I have ever had to give. Throughout the creation of this album, I've laughed, cried, pulled my hair out and shouted for joy. There were days where I thought I would never finish it and there were times where I couldn't get enough of being in the studio working on it. It's been the biggest part of my life for the better part of the last 4 years and I'm so anxious to share it with all of you! It should be available late February or early March 2012 and I'll let you know as soon as it is! Thanks so much for all your love and support!