Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Time to Vote!

It feels good to be up late, writing once again. Although I am tired and sleep is falling upon me, I still feel words that would keep me up at night, bubbling to the surface, if I don't take some time to let them flow right now.

We live in a very interesting time right now. In less than 2 weeks, this country will take part in one of the biggest and most important elections in history. I have never seen this country so divided in all my life. It's incredible to me the many hate-filled, vicious, ruthless, comments I've seen/heard people sling at each other over the past several months.

In my heart I believe that the reason people are screaming so loudly (and yes, at each other) is because they just want to be heard. People want to believe that they matter, that their voices CAN make a difference. Well, it's true, they can. We ALL matter and we can ALL make a difference!

But, the bottom line is, in order to have our voices be heard - we need to exercise one of the most important rights we have in this country - and that is our right to VOTE!! It's so important to get 'out there' and let your voice be heard! We are so very blessed to live in a country where we actually have a say in who our governmental leaders are. Please don't let any frustration regarding this election (and we all seem to be frustrated!)  stop you from making your choice and letting your choice be known on Election Day.

There are a lot of different websites out there that you can go to in an effort to educate yourself about the candidates (on the federal, state and local levels) and what each of them stand for. There are also many websites out there that can help us differentiate 'fact from fiction' in this election.

Every year, politics seem to be getting more and more brutal. It seems to me that it's becoming increasingly more difficult to decipher what each candidate actually stands for - as opposed to what each candidate has to say about 'the other guy.'

One website I go to for this kind of information is:  It is one of many such websites that can help you determine what some of the 'truths' are during this campaign season. I encourage you to do some research and find some websites that you trust to give you the information you need to make an honest decision in this election.

Tuesday, November 6th, 2012 will be here before we know it! Please - research the candidates who are running, make your decision and then let your voice be heard on Election Day!

Thanks so much!


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