Tuesday, March 16, 2010

epiphany: love-style

Our true nature is to love. It's good to stop and embrace that every once in awhile - yes, even the painful side of it. Personally, I love to love. I love that it's who I am and I'm grateful I get to do it all the time. I love being loving, open and vulnerable. (Okay - vulnerable is kinda tough sometimes, but I do it anyway. Hello songwriting!) It makes me feel young - and like I could live forever. Because love itself never dies. It is eternal. It doesn't even change form. It just IS. It's constantly flowing. It's a state of being. All we need to do is step into it. It's who we are and we don't get a choice in that. God/the Universe/the great Creator/Mother Divine made us that way and He/She designed us perfectly - so that we can never stop loving...no matter what...not even when it's painful. That IS why it's painful - because we think that we're not receiving love somehow. But that's just it - we can't give or receive what we already ARE. We just have to let it flow. If someone doesn't react in the way we want them to, that doesn't mean there's no love there. It simply means that we're being given an opportunity to stand strong in our own worth and love anyway. Only human beings can do that. Only human beings have the capacity and capability to love no matter what. All other living creatures act on survival and instinct. But not human beings - only we get to experience the joy of real love. And since we are ALL love - there's actually no way that we cannot be loved by someone else. It's actually not possible. If one loves, we all love - because we are all one, all connected - all LOVE.

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