Wednesday, July 23, 2014


So, it's been over a month since my last blog - I apologize for that. Normally, I like to try and post something every couple of weeks, but things have been a little nuts lately - and, to be completely honest, I just haven't been feeling a whole lot like myself lately.

For at least a couple of weeks, I wasn't sleeping well - strange dreams, waking up in the middle of the night, not being able to get back to sleep, etc. You can say it was mercury in retrograde, the super moon, or a million other possible reasons but, the bottom line is that - when push comes to shove - I was, very simply, back to feeling uncomfortable in my own skin. Yep - not good.

I REALLY don't like that feeling.

Not so much for myself, but more so for those I love who happen to be around me.

When I get uncomfortable in my own skin, I get - well - I get clingy, needy, sensitive (way OVERLY sensitive), and I feel as if the thoughts I'm having aren't even coming from me or my own mind. I feel as if nearly every thought gets hi-jacked by some depressed, anxious, negative borderline crazy person who just can't get a grip on the truly important things in life.

Yes, I REALLY don't like feeling that way.

Sooooooo, what did I do to get out my (no doubt) self-imposed funk? Well, nothing fancy, really. I went to Target. Yep, that's right - I went shopping at Target. Believe me, I didn't go there with the intention of going on a big old shopping spree to make me feel better, either. I actually bought (and spent) very little. I got a new set of sheets, a new shower curtain and liner and, some re-fills for a couple soap dispensers around the house and - most importantly - I bought 'Yes!' - the new Jason Mraz album.

Now, anyone who is even somewhat close to me, knows what a HUGE Jason Mraz fan I am. I've been following him, his career and his music since I first heard his song 'the Remedy (I Won't Worry)'  on the radio back in 2002. He has provided a pretty compelling (and accurate) soundtrack for my life and I couldn't be more grateful for his willingness to go where other artists wouldn't even dream of going. He's an honest writer and he's unafraid to express himself - as well as how he sees the world. I'm a huge fan and he's just one of those people that I'm grateful to be walking on the planet at the same time he is.

So anyway, as I popped the new album into the CD player in my car, I prepared myself for what I feel is the pure 'awesomeness' that is Jason Mraz. What I experienced was SO much more. I can't explain to you how the album has made me feel, but what I can say is that the album knocked me squarely out of whatever 'funk' I was in. Within the first few minutes, I felt completely uplifted - as if someone had 'righted' my 'wrong' thinking and gave me my equilibrium back. It was (and continues to be) an incredible experience and I am VERY grateful for it.

My question for YOU is - who is your favorite artist? Or, what is your favorite album? What  kind of music, no matter what kind of mood you may be in (or what you may be going through),  makes you feel like everything is going to be alright?

I'm a firm believer that music has the power to heal people - body, mind and spirit/soul. I am grateful it is a part of my life, my journey as well as being part of the very fabric of who I am.

Very much looking forward to hearing who your favorite artists, or what your favorite songs are, and why!!

Much love always,

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