So, almost 2 weeks ago, I made the journey to Montreat, NC (just outside of Asheville) for a retreat that was destined to change my life. With my wonderfully supportive hubby beside me, I took deep breaths all the way up, knowing that life was about to change for good - after this retreat, things were never going to be the same again - and I knew it.
The retreat was called Giant Strides and it was conducted by an incredible channel for Love, named John Mark Stroud. (Please check out his website when you have a chance: Several weeks before the retreat, John Mark asked me if I would perform my original music for the attendees throughout the retreat weekend. Before I even had a chance to second-guess myself, or wonder what I was getting myself into, I heard myself say, 'Yes! I'd be happy to!' Later, I asked John Mark how many songs he wanted me to perform, mistakenly thinking that he would just want 2 or 3, at most. I was in for quite a shock when he told me that there were going to be 6 segments to the retreat, and he wanted me to perform a song to both open and close the retreat.
Admittedly, I was a bit overwhelmed at first. However this very still, silent voice within just kept telling me, 'Do not worry, Jen, about how it's all going to come together - just trust that it will.' And, with that peaceful sense of knowing, my journey began.
Throughout the rest of the time leading up to the retreat, I (day by day, minute by minute) trusted that same sense of inner knowing. It led me to each song that needed/wanted to be shared and, step by step, it led me all the way to Montreat, NC for the retreat weekend itself.
When I arrived and finally met John Mark in person, I was blown away by the amount of love this man has to extend. Hugging him is, literally, like hugging Christ Himself! :-)
Throughout the entire weekend, I was uplifted, empowered, strengthened and gently split wide open. By the time we wrapped up that Sunday, NOTHING looked or felt the same! All I could see is the perfect Divine order of things and Love extending itself everywhere! Everything is different now and I am so blessed to have been part of such an incredible weekend.
Oh, and during the retreat, Tim also performed a killer magic show for everyone! He was a huge hit and, as always, I loved watching him win over the crowd!
This girl is one blessed - and grateful - little cookie!
Living and loving it, moment by moment,