Friday, July 6, 2012

'With You' CD now available!

I hope you're having a terrific summer so far!!

I just wanted to take a quick minute to tell you about a brand new CD that I am completely honored to have been a part of. My dear friend and fellow songwriter, Barbara McInnis Vu has truly outdone herself. She wrote an entire CD of some of the most healing music I have ever heard.
Several months ago, Barbara contacted me and asked if I would consider singing some of the songs she had in mind for this project. I told her I'd be happy to take a listen to them all to see which ones I 'resonated' with and, lo and behold, I feel in love with every single one of them!

Barbara is an incredible songwriter with an amazing gift for writing songs that truly move people. As a musician, she's an incredible pianist with a unique ability for writing some of the most interesting and complex chord changes imagineable. All of this adds up to music that moves and inspires me.

I 'get' Barbara. I understand her and the message she is trying to convey through her music. I am truly honored to be a part of her latest CD, 'With You.' I sang all but two of the songs on this CD (the other two were sung by the outstanding, Jennifer Baselice) and I am so proud of how it turned out.
I hope you'll take a minute and go Barbara's website and check out the new CD: 

As always, I can't thank you enough for all your love and support! I hope you enjoy Barbara's beautiful songs!

Love always,