Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas time is here...

So, once again the holidays are upon us? Is it just me or does it seem like Christmas approaches faster and faster every year? In any event, I wish you and yours the loveliest and most blessed of holiday seasons.

Here is my Christmas wish list for 2011:

~world peace - or, if we're not quite ready for peace around the world yet, I'd settle for people being nice to each other while they're out shopping for Christmas - maybe even let someone else have that prime parking spot... (that's a good start)

~ I'd like for everyone on the planet to feel loved - no matter where they are, what they've done or what they've been through

~ I'd like for our brave service men and women to be able to spend the holidays - at home - safe and sound surrounded by their friends, family and anyone else who celebrates their service and sacrifice

~ I'd like for my family to know how much I love and appreciate them

~ I'd like for my friends to know how much I love and appreciate them

~ I'd like for my fans to know how much I love and appreciate them

~ I'd like for every child on earth to have a safe place to call home and more than enough food to eat

~ I'd like to see an end to people arguing, fighting and killing each other in the name of religious righteousness - over whose God is better...all roads lead to Heaven and we can create that Heaven right here on earth...

~ I'd like to live to see the day when we have just one flag - representing the entire world - when are we going to realize that we cannot judge, criticize, condemn or kill anyone else, without first doing the same thing to ourselves?

I suppose this isn't my entire list but, sort of like being nice to each other in the parking lot while going to shop at Target, it's a good start...

My biggest wish this holiday season however, is that Christmas finds you at peace and feeling so very, very loved...because you are...

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!

Love always,

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

the journey

I realize that the actual 'juice' in the journey has absolutely NOTHING to do with the final destination - what you think you're going to 'get' or how you think you're going to feel once you 'get' there. It's about the journey itself. It's about being brave enough to GIVE as much as you can - every step of the way.